Working long hours increases the risk of dying from heart
Working long hours increases the risk of dying from heart disease but staying in shape can eliminate that risk, according to a new study. If you are in good shape and you work out, than working long hours does not change your risk level, he said.
Working additional hours stresses the cardiovascular system and boosts the nervous system causing your heart rate and blood pressure to elevate, according to the study. But if you fit, your body recovers faster and the physiological stress from working those long days is reduced, the research showed.
So if you are working long hours, your risk of dying of heart diseasecan come down towhether you are getting enough exercise.
Only 3 to 5 percent of adults work out 30 minutes a day, five days a week according to The National Institutes of Health.
Can you really regrow a fingertip?
On a normal day, Dr.
This, coupled with the nearly 1,000 comments on our article yesterday tells us many of you are interested in this new field called regenerative medicine and what it can and cannot do.
In the days following the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in 2001, a smoky pall hung over lower Manhattan. It was toxic dust that would linger for months.
was like a horror movie, said Jevon Thomas, 44, who worked at Ground Zero for more than a year. you went there was dust. It was in the air. It was on the ground. It was on everything you touched, everything you saw. dust and certain toxic components it contained, like dioxin, benzene, and asbestos is at the center of an emotional drama still playing out nine years after the September 11 attacks. Many Ground Zero workers, like Thomas (he developed a rare cancer called epithelioid sarcoma), believe that their cancers stem from that dust, but science does not support that belief. FULL POST
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Carrying excess weight in the waist and hips may increase an older woman risk of dying from colon cancer, according to a new study in a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Healthy seniors who maintained a normal weight before getting diagnosed were more likely to survive, the study found.
For an average of 10 years, researchers followed about 1,100 postmenopausal women suffering from colon cancer and found heavier women were more likely to die from the disease than thinner women in the same age group.
They suspected more than added weight was to blame. Scientists looked at data for weight, body mass index, or BMI, waist size and waisttohip ratio and found that carrying extra pounds at the waist and hips appeared to be more of a factor in colon cancer deaths than overall weight or BMI.
Identify pills with new NIH web tool
Poison control centers get more than 1 million calls a year about medicines that need to be identified. And maybe you been in situations when pills seem to wander away from their labeled bottles, and you don know what they are.
Now the National Institutes of Health is developing a way to quickly identify medications based on appearance. Pillbox, in its beta testing phase, gives possibilities for your mystery pill based on its shape, color, size, imprint, and (how many pieces it could be broken into based on those little lines).
What are healthy qualities in infant formula?
Every weekday, a CNNHealth expert doctor answers a viewer question. On Friday, it Dr. Melina Jampolis, a physician nutrition specialist.
Question asked by Angela ThieryDevins, Shelton, Washington: I have a 9month old and need to move to formula. When I looked at the back of the formula packages, I was shocked to learn that the first ingredient in of most of them was corn syrup solids. Isn that sugar? What should I be looking for in a formula? I am a concerned mom just trying to do the right thing for my baby. Thank you. FULL POST
When the traditional white princess type wedding
When the traditional white princess type wedding were everything is white and pure is not
for you. When you like the darker, more dramatic side of life; then you probably want your
wedding dresses and wedding rings to reflect that. Back in the day that used to be a tall
order to make; however, we are not in those times now and now anything really goes.
There is now a mounting market for wedding dresses that are darker and unique than the
normal white or off-white cut dresses.
They are now an assortment of dresses ranging in styles and colors that fit your personality. If you're a kind of person who wants a corpse bride, torn, poofy, and colorful dress, there are several out there. I've even seen a Gothic fashion dress that was green and pink, and if that's out there then I'm sure you can find the dress for you. If you want to go Gothic, Brother's Grimm fashion wedding rings, then I suggest going antique searching.
These new rings don't have the same distinctive Gothic flare as the
older, pre-loved, rings. The antique Victorian styled bands would be the way to go if you
want the old, Brother's Grimm Fairytale, unique look in a ring. However, that is only one
person's thoughts.
Many wedding shops and ring stores will have the kind of wedding ceremony dresses and
wedding rings you desire. However, if you live in an area that has a shortage of these kinds
of styles then I suggest going onto the Internet.
There you will find the shops close to you that have these kinds of designs or you can order your dream dress from one of the many online wedding dress makers out there. The world has gotten small and more diverse than ever before. Today, you can find anything you need, either locally or by going online.
The point is that if you are a person who likes
these designs but either can't find or feel that you have to sacrifice your style for the
sake of your wedding; you don't have to feel that way anymore.
They are now an assortment of dresses ranging in styles and colors that fit your personality. If you're a kind of person who wants a corpse bride, torn, poofy, and colorful dress, there are several out there. I've even seen a Gothic fashion dress that was green and pink, and if that's out there then I'm sure you can find the dress for you. If you want to go Gothic, Brother's Grimm fashion wedding rings, then I suggest going antique searching.
There you will find the shops close to you that have these kinds of designs or you can order your dream dress from one of the many online wedding dress makers out there. The world has gotten small and more diverse than ever before. Today, you can find anything you need, either locally or by going online.
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